Saturday, September 13, 2008

Why Sarah Palin and John McCain

Watch this video till the very end and you will understand why McCain / Palin is best for our Country!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


JOHN MCCAIN request for earmarks IS $0

All told, This Democratic Congress has set aside $17.2 billion in earmarks -- a 30 percent increase from last year.

Monday, September 8, 2008




Claim: Books banned from the Wasilla, Alaska, public library by Mayor Sarah Palin.

Status: False.

More Left Wing Attacks - Dems do your homework please. Lies are so

note: there’s some buzz being generated that says that this post contains a comment that lists the books that Palin supposedly wanted banned. The list is here, but there appears to be no truth to the claim made by the commenter, and no further documentation or support for this has turned up.

Claim: List catalogs books banned from the Wasilla, Alaska, public library by Mayor Sarah Palin.
Status: False.

Origins: One of the many political rumors swirling around Alaska governor Sarah Palin after her selection as the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee had to do with the subject of books: That during her tenure as the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, she had wanted to remove certain books from the city's public library, or had tried to have some books censored, or had banned a lengthy list of books (as reproduced above).
According to the Anchorage Daily News, around the time Sarah Palin first assumed the mayorship of Wasilla back in 1996, she initiated some speculative discussions with the city's librarian about the possibility of removing some "objectionable" books from the public library: In December 1996, [city librarian Mary Ellen] Emmons told her hometown newspaper, the Frontiersman, that Palin three times asked her — starting before she was sworn in — about possibly removing objectionable books from the library if the need arose.
When the matter came up for the second time in October 1996, during a City Council meeting, Anne Kilkenny, a Wasilla housewife who often attends council meetings, was there.
Like many Alaskans, Kilkenny calls the governor by her first name.
"Sarah said to Mary Ellen, 'What would your response be if I asked you to remove some books from the collection?" Kilkenny said.
"I was shocked. Mary Ellen sat up straight and said something along the line of, 'The books in the Wasilla Library collection were selected on the basis of national selection criteria for libraries of this size, and I would absolutely resist all efforts to ban books.'"
Palin didn't mention specific books at that meeting, Kilkenny said.
Palin herself, questioned at the time, called her inquiries rhetorical and simply part of a policy discussion with a department head "about understanding and following administration agendas," according to the Frontiersman article. According to that same article, no evidence has been uncovered that any books were actually censored or removed from Wasilla's library as a result of these discussions: Were any books censored [or] banned? June Pinell-Stephens, chairwoman of the Alaska Library Association's Intellectual Freedom Committee since 1984, checked her files and came up empty-handed.
Pinell-Stephens also had no record of any phone conversations with Emmons about the issue back then. Emmons was president of the Alaska Library Association at the time. Given that, as yet, there is no documentation of any books having been banished from the Wasilla library by Mayor Palin, or even of which books she may have had in mind when she broached the subject, whence comes the considerable register of tomes now being circulated as "the list of books Palin tried to have banned"? The purging of the selections enumerated here from a public library would surely outrage any educator or book lover, with the listing including classics of literature by authors from William Shakespeare to William Faulkner, works by popular contemporary writers such as Stephen King and J.K. Rowling, and even such seemingly bland reference works as Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary.
One obvious clue that this list must have been cobbled together from some source other than discussions that may have taken place in Wasilla in 1996 is that several of its entries (most notably the books in J.K. Rowling's popular Harry Potter series, which began in 1997) hadn't yet been published back then. In fact, versions of this list have been circulating since at least as far back as 1998, and is actually a catch-all collection of titles said to be "books banned at one time or another in the United States."
Last updated: 8 September 2008
The URL for Snopes is


This is a list of the current presidential line of succession
as specified by the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 (3 U.S.C. § 19).

1 Vice President and President of the Senate - Currently Dick Cheney

2 Speaker of the House of Representatives - Nancy Pelosi

3 President pro tempore of the Senate - Robert Byrd

4 Secretary of State - Condoleezza Rice

Sarah Palin would be - Vice President and President of the Senate

HOWEVER..... Next would be...

Nancy Pelosi - Democrat

Wealthy San Francisco Liberal that was handed her political career on a silver platter.

Financial status
The Pelosi family has a net worth of over US$25 million, primarily from investments. In addition to their large portfolio of jointly owned San Francisco Bay Area real estate, she also has millions of dollars in stock from publicly traded companies such as Microsoft, and AT&T. In 2003, the Pelosi family sold their eight-acre (three hectare) Rutherford vineyard. Pelosi continues to be among the richest members of Congress.

Congressional career
Phillip Burton died in 1983 and was succeeded by his wife, Sala. In late 1986, Sala became ill with cancer and decided not to run for reelection in 1988. She picked Pelosi as her designated successor, guaranteeing her the support of the Burtons' contacts. Sala died on February 1, 1987, just a month after being sworn in for a second full term. Pelosi won the special election to succeed her, narrowly defeating San Francisco Supervisor Harry Britt, and took office on June 2, 1987.

Pelosi represents one of the safest Democratic districts in the country. Democrats have held the seat since 1949, and Republicans, who currently make up only 13 percent of registered voters in the district, have not made a serious bid for the seat since the early 1960s. Pelosi has kept this tradition going. Since her initial victory in 1987, she has been re-elected 10 times, receiving at least 75% of the vote. She has never participated in candidates' debates.

Robert Byrd - Democrat

Born in 1917, is much much older than John McCain. A previous member of the KKK. Know in the senate as "The King of Pork" and refers to himself as "Big Daddy"

Byrd witnessed Klan parades during his childhood in Matoaka, West Virginia. Byrd joined the Ku Klux Klan when he was twenty four in 1942. His local chapter unanimously elected him Exalted Cyclops.

According to Byrd, a Klan official told him, "You have a talent for leadership, Bob... The country needs young men like you in the leadership of the nation." Byrd later recalled, "suddenly lights flashed in my mind! Someone important had recognized my abilities! I was only 23 or 24 years old, and the thought of a political career had never really hit me. But strike me that night, it did."Byrd held the titles Kleagle (recruiter) and Exalted Cyclops. Byrd worked as a welder for warships in a Baltimore, Maryland shipyard during World War Two.

When Byrd was twenty eight years old, he wrote about the 1945 racial integration of the military to segregationist Mississippi Senator Theodore Bilbo:

I shall never fight in the armed forces with a Negro by my side... Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.*

*Robert C. Byrd, in a letter to Sen. Theodore Bilbo (D-MS), 1944

Byrd is well known for steering federal dollars to West Virginia, one of the country's poorest states. He is called by some the "King of Pork." After becoming chair of the Appropriations Committee in 1989, Byrd sought to steer, over time, a total of $1 billion for public works in the state. He passed that mark in 1991, and the steady stream of funds for highways, dams, educational institutions, and federal agency offices has continued unabated over the course of his membership. More than thirty pending or existing federal projects bear Byrd's name. He commented on his reputation for attaining funds for projects in West Virginia in August 2006 when he called himself "Big Daddy" at the dedication to the Robert C. Byrd Biotechnology Science Center.

Whoopi, Joy and Barbara the View has Blinders

Watch this video, and you'll see that the View is blind to anything that is not supportive to the Democrats.

The first part Whoopi explains that Sarah Palin is minimizing the job of community organizer. Whoopi completely ignors that this was Sarah Palin's response to B. Obama absoluting ingnoring of a major fact that Palin is the Governor of the great state of Alaska.

In the second part, Whoopi and Joy, try to equate a tragedy in the Biden family as the same as McCain being a prisoner of war. I agree that Joe Biden and his family suffered great losses. And I would never imply that it wasn't a horrible thing. However, in this wonderful country that we love, there were people that surrounded and supported the Biden family to help them through their trying times.

John McCain as a prisoner of war for 5 years, was not surrounded by the love and support that this country provides when people are hurting. I'm sure many people were praying for John McCain during this time. But he had no direct support services.

The country that produces the people that were there for the Biden family in there darkest times is the country John McCain loves and would give his life to defend.

So to Whoppi, Joy and Barbara, for being on the "View" you are wearing blinders.

McCain - Palin ahead of Obama by 4 %

The latest USA Today-Gallup Poll released Sunday Sept 7, 2008 shows the Republican John McCain moved ahead of Barack Obama 50 percent to 46 percent, suggesting at the very least that McCain has wiped out the seven-point lead Obama received following the Democratic convention a week earlier. The latest poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points.